Total Lunar Eclipse by John Goldberg
John Goldberg's Gallery John Goldberg's Gallery
  1. John Goldberg's Gallery
  2. Total Lunar EclipseTotal Lunar Eclipse
080220004 Lunar Eclipse - SlickPic Title
080220004 Lunar Eclipse
080220019 Lunar Eclipse
080220029 Lunar Eclipse in Totality
080220036 Lunar Eclipse in Totality
080220040 Lunar Eclipse
We had a total lunar eclipse visible from California's Central Coast on the 20th of February 2008. It was a cold night but a perfect time to capture the progression of the eclipse from the bluff above Capitola, near Santa Cruz. These images were made through a 300 mm lens, not a telescope.
080220004 Lunar Eclipse - SlickPic Title 080220004 Lunar Eclipse 080220019 Lunar Eclipse 080220029 Lunar Eclipse in Totality 080220036 Lunar Eclipse in Totality 080220040 Lunar Eclipse
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